David is a man of strong positions but with a gentle disposition. He opened up to reveal what motivates him and what goals he has set for himself. We learned a lot as will you as you get to know David...Read More
The main assignment is to come prepared to discuss if not argue about tipping. Should we tip? Should we tip more? Is 20% the new 15%? How should we tip? For background information and extra credit, re...Read More
The alternative title is “I Can Fist My Bellybutton”. Don’t ask. This podcast is our first attempt at using WordPress’s transcript generation tool. Let’s see how that goe...Read More
This coming Friday will witness an awesome combination as the stars and moons and asteroids and other stuff will align such that a Fribrary meets up with the annual Medieval Fair. All of which can mea...Read More
Angie is a known runner, but she did not run from our interrogation. We learned a lot about this sometimes quiet Fribrarian. Some of it was a direct challenge to other Fribrarians. Enjoy!...Read More
A new year suggests a chance to set new goals. At the same time goals need to be achievable and desirable. To that end homework goals will be refocused toward smaller commitments and more variety. At ...Read More
Another season of grievances is now behind us. All feats of strength have been completed. The Festivus was yet again a tremendous success. Enjoy! Referenced homework is here....Read More
In this in-depth conversation Steve cops to having “an FU attitude but without FU money.” Listen as he answers the questions posed–some lightning-round style, some just thunderously ...Read More
[UPDATE: Due to <redacted>, which was totally pathetic, this homework has been postponed until Festivus. At that time the <redacted> will very certainly be among our list of grievances.] The col...Read More