StarWarsBrary! Your homework for May the 4th Be With You, year of our lord Darth Bane 2018, is as follows: Who is the most overrated Star Wars character? Who is the most underrated Star Wars character...Read More
One of the best conversations (IMO) we have had since starting the podcast was actually one that didn’t make it to broadcast because of technical difficulties. Perhaps we can recreate the magic ...Read More
First off – everyone, meet Steve. Next – more sponsors! Grandma’s Butter Juice is bringing in tons of ad revenue, but we need more! Let’s come up with a simple video game con...Read More
The homework this week is to answer this question: What keeps you up at night? Bring your biggest fears to Fribrary, and let’s have a go at solving them. Seen any good documentaries lately? The ...Read More
This week your homework, if you choose to accept it: Come up with a product and a brief commercial/advertisement for the podcast to promote. Choose your ideal Fribrary podcast “celebrity” ...Read More
Happy New Yearbrary! The main assignment is on aging, death, and eternalish life. Watch this and this and this, and come prepared to answer these questions: How long would you like to live? Should w...Read More
It’s a Festivus Miracle! So many significant changes, a sure sign of Festivus Miracles (or The Writers at work). Gather the family around and share the Story of Festivus. Festivus is our her...Read More
The main homework is answering the question “Is the World Over or Underpopulated, and How Would We Know?” — feel free to watch the video in advanced speed to save time, but donR...Read More
On this special Thanksgiving edition of Fribrary, I’d like to start with a trailer for a classic Turkey Day film: Thankskilling To build on that horror, some fear-mongering – the main ho...Read More
The main assignment is How Bad Can It Be? For extra credit check out these three short videos: Happy Trails Ah, Sugar. Oh, Honey, honey Wait a minute, Mister Postman For super-duper, extra bonus credi...Read More