It’s beginning to look a lot like . . . most Library waitresses’ favorite holiday time. HalloweenBrary 2021 is nearly upon us. The main assignment is TVLandBrary – watch an episode f...Read More
Short week after the holiday weekend; so we hit the ground running. The main assignment is to read this post from Cold Takes and then come prepared to discuss the idea of digital people: if you believ...Read More
There has been tropical travel and a poolbrary since we last convened. We have a lot of catching up to do. The main assignment is to come prepared to play America’s newest, most popular game: ...Read More
The main assignment is to listen to/read this and read this (if you can). What would you do if you were trapped on an abandoned ship? Describe the best case scenario. Is there a pilot in here waiting ...Read More
The second half of the first half of the year has begun. As such, I think it is time for us to check in on New Year’s Resolutions. Specifically, the main assignment is to update us on the status...Read More
A year ago as I write (March 22) the stock market as measured by the S&P 500 was a day away from hitting the pandemic low point (2,237). One year later it is up 74%! And you doubted me when I said...Read More
The mini ice age of 2021 rages on, but we are not deterred. This Friday is CareerBrary. The main assignment is give your version of the “elevator pitch” (~30-second description) of any two Fribrar...Read More
The main assignment is to make an outlandish prediction that you think might actually come true. It doesn’t have to be on a 2021 timeframe, but extra credit if it is and double if it comes true....Read More
This night we’re gonna party like it’s [any year but] 2020. The end is near folks. To celebrate sending 2020 to a deserved death and welcome 2021, “The Year Of Splendor and Plenty...Read More
It is THAT time of year again. I hope you people are ready. The Main Assignment is an airing of grievances of a sort. Write a review of the podcast. Extra Credit (1) for actually publishing it on a se...Read More