This coming Friday will witness an awesome combination as the stars and moons and asteroids and other stuff will align such that a Fribrary meets up with the annual Medieval Fair. All of which can mean only one thing: It will probably rain like crazy all day and night.
Irregardless, we shall gather both to witness the recreation of how an ancient race of people lived and to explore how a modern group of people do homework.
The main assignment is to help solve a mystery by debating: Are subtitles the best thing since sliced bread or the latest version of how the kids these days are ruining everything? This link provides some background.
For extra credit review the latest IFF, which includes topics on the demise of the Jedi Order, (ruining by using?) WoW as a tool for learning, and quitting–in general and doomsday cults specifically.
I have at least one awkward story to share: The oddest library request, or “Kink shaming the founding fathers”.
Jams under the loose theme of “Things Mentioned In This Post” (bonus points for ignoring the inconsistencies in these titles):
- Elvis ‘Burning Love’ with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Eurythmics – Here Comes The Rain Again
- Scarborough Fair – Sarah Brightman
Looking forward to ye merry times ‘o enchanted gathering of fair maidens and royal gentlemen of books. See thou Friday!