It’s Freedombrary! Come and celebrate on the eve of the best holiday of the year!
The main homework will be discussing Kevin’s jams, which you can find here.
For extra credit – BEES! They’re pretty important. And we might lose them. Scott Pruitt might help the extinction along. Why not replace them with robots?
On the topic of flying insects – best ways to keep mosquitos away.
On the brighter side – PREBIOTIC MIX MIGHT POSSIBLY EXIST ON ENCELADUS! I think this might be the one! If not, I’m still holding out for Europa.
Plus some surprises! Hopefully. You never know – that’s the thing with surprises.
I’ve still got a jams because there just aren’t enough songs about the Swiss Guard these days.
Finally, another example where I’m sold solely by the title.
- Gold medal
- Bad pop
- The whipped cream hill I will die on