It was 100 years ago that Festivus fell upon a year ending in 23 to match the magical date in December when the Sky Leeches descend from their heavenly perch to rain down judgement. There shall be airing of grievances, feats of strength, and of course an aluminum pole.
From time to time we are all due performance reviews. There is no better time than Festivus. The main assignment is come with a performance review of at least one other Fribrarian (bonus points for more than one). If they are worthy of the honor, come prepared to acknowledge them with our highest award, a Brary. It is up to the giver to supply their own version of a Brary trophy, which in no way needs to be an actual trophy.
Festivus is also a time of miracles. For extra credit share any things from this past year that have been in the least way miraculous from your vantage point.
For extra, extra credit have some general goals for us as a team as we look forward to the coming year.
I got a lot of problems with you people! See you Saturday!
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